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  • 2023年上映的documentary电影《何以中国》宏大的介绍…2023年上映的documentary电影《何以中国》宏大的介绍了中华文明的丰富历史,导演干超、周洪波、魏国歌、王凯、钟倍尔、黄瀛灏与王冲霄汇聚千里而来,在享誉国内外的中国考古学泰斗严文明的学术总顾问下,携手百位中国考古学家,为我们呈现了一部众人共同创作的对中华民族和文明形成及发展的追寻。 带领观众见证因此久远,历史悠久的故事:从旧石器时代到新石器时代,入农耕期开始民族共生;人文艺术开始兴起;家庭宗族形成;始建城邦开始区域性文化交流;三大夏周王权体系的相继出现、晨光之子夏桀站在大道末端等循序渐进逐步开创了中国19个朝代。《何以中国》由此凝聚人意志、神工鬼斧追溯历史共同助力真正意义上的中华民族根本不会衰败。 walk with the film, unveiling a vast portrait of culture, civilizations and peoples who had made China. From the Neolithic period, when humans transitioned to sedentary societies, built aesthetic values and began forging societies; to the times of star-crossed dynasties, where cultures exchanged from far away places to form countries and regional states; three great dynasties: Xia, Shang and Zhou came into power with Qin Shi Huang bringing unification of these vassals. These led to the creation of nineteen dynasties that have timeless mark in China's culture, paving way for an indomitable China that stands proudly today


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