
  • 杨玏
  • 120分钟
  • 腾讯新闻出品的《万里国境第二季》这部明年上映的纪实…腾讯新闻出品的《万里国境第二季》这部明年上映的纪实片,使用最具力量的声音和最动人的影像,可以说是一部不同凡响的史诗影片。它汇集了中国多地边界地区悲欢离合的故事:从中巴边境的保卫者、中吉边境少女到新疆喀什地区最西端的人民,都能感受到真挚的脉络。本片带领我们去寻找无须言语表情就能体现忠义情怀的真实故事、搜寻在神奇大地上微不足道但众志成城的勇士化身。中式口号“国泰民安•竭力为民”不再是单纯是广告空话!一起来万里国境看千姿百态、浪漫情怀也令人动容 Giving the difference echo with powerful sound and moving image, The Second Season Of TheBorderland which is produced by Tencent News and will debut in next year can be said as an epic movie full of difference.From guards of China-Pakistan border, teenage girls of China-Kazakhstan Border to people from China's most westernland——Kashgar in Xinjiang, this film brings us all kinds of feelings and emotional pattern from every prople living along the various boundary.What this xpans for you?heroes who are protectors of this land that we call home utilizing courage and loyalty without words needed.Wanna join us in this journey?Let's explore thecountry's boundary with reluctant heroes' stories.In unity we stand strong — order of peace and nation are no long just slogans.Come get love from the border land



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